Rhodes as Emergency Manager

Governor Snyder has appointed Judge Steven Rhodes as the 5th Emergency Manager of Detroit Public Schools. Judge Rhodes presided over the Detroit Bankruptcy hearing and gained widespread support from Snyder and the corporate elite for his handling of the case. Snyder hopes that Rhodes will be able to influence the State Legislature to acknowledge their obligation to step up and pay $515 million debt to put the district back on sound financial grounds.

This appointment is a desperate measure by Snyder. It is an attempt to shift the public conversation away from the failures of Emergency Management legislation. It is an effort to use that legislation to further undermine public education and destroy the power of teachers and the unions that protect them in their efforts to protect and educate our children.

Emergency Managers have become so toxic in Michigan since the poisoning of Flint’s water supply that Judge Rhodes doesn't even want the title. He said, "I told the governor that I was not going to be just another emergency manager. This is (about the) transition to local control." Rhodes wants to be called the “transition manager.” This is an empty gesture. Rhodes has all of the powers of the emergency manager, his authority comes from EM legislation, and he is collecting that salary.

He is an Emergency Manager. And he shares some of their worst characteristics. He combines ignorance with unchecked power. He openly admits he is unprepared to run a school system. He said to WDET as he assumed the powers of Emergency Manager, "I told the governor when he approached me that I don't know anything about academics or education or how to run a school system."

Combining unchecked power with ignorance is why Emergency Managers destroyed the water systems in Highland Park and Flint, sold off public lands to private interests in Pontiac and Benton Harbor, and initiated massive water shut offs in Detroit. These actions not only violate basic human rights, they have cost lives and endangered public safety.

Now we are led to believe that someone who openly states he knows nothing about educational practices, academic development, or complex school systems should advise the state legislature, hire the next superintendent, and put in place the policies that will provide a “new” school board.

Judge Rhodes has already revealed his own complicity in the racial stereotyping and white supremist attitudes that undergird Emergency Management. This law depends upon the belief that people in urban centers, especially people of color and poor people, cannot govern ourselves. This law claims we are less capable of making decisions about our lives than our fellow citizens are just across the borders of Flint, Pontiac or Detroit. Rhodes shares this belief.

Rhodes talks about people as “stakeholders,” not citizens. He tells us we need to “reach out” to ensure “highly qualified candidates” who can be “trained” in how to be good school board members. He supports the proposed legislation that allows Snyder and Duggan to appoint most of the board. Real local control would not be fully restored for about a decade.

If Lansing pays the debts of DPS it will not be because of Judge Rhodes. It will be because some other Judge forces them to live up to their legal obligations.

Between now August, when the Judge says he will leave, little will have changed for our children. The abuse and neglect they are suffering at the hands of the Governor, the State Legislators and their appointed managers will continue. We, who care about our children and our future, need to open new spaces of love and learning in our communities. In this way we can claim our own power and responsibility for educating our children.

Community High

Tawana Petty

Last weekend I had the honor of spending the morning with students at Detroit Community High School. They have a weekend woodshop and technology program that includes middle school students. I was extended the invitation by Detroit Community High School co-founder Bart Eddy to talk to the young people about the water issues in Detroit, Flint and globally, as well as lift up the significance of their work. I also shared some poetry with them while there.

I remember as a young person being eager to get to school for both home economics class and woodshop class. I learned very valuable life skills in both classes, so I wanted to encourage the value of those life skills and to listen and learn from the young participants. I also wanted to reiterate the unique opportunity the students have to share the skills they are learning with generations to come.

The students were busy designing an electric water filtration trike that they plan to donate to an emergency water station hosted by We the People of Detroit inside St. Peter's Episcopal Church. It will have the capacity to deliver more than 50 gallons at a time.

They also build signage and furniture for community members and organizations nearby. One of the signs said Black Lives Matter. It was a powerful affirmation that I was proud to see the young people working on.
The heartfelt work and innovation of the young people at Detroit Community High School is valued and appreciated. Thank you Bart Eddy, Ty Petrie and the many instructors who pour into the brilliance of our young people!


Wanting Answers


The State of Our City