Youth Learn a Lot from Re-Imagining Work

“I liked it. It was interesting.. I learned a lot.” That’s what a 15 year old member of Dedicated to Make a Change said after participating in the second RE-Imagining Work gathering on February 12 at the Church of the Messiah. The first took place on January 14 over the MLK holiday weekend.

Dedicated to Make a Change is an LC3 (low profit limited liability) organization headquartered in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Its mission is to connect youth between 12 and 18 with the world in order to promote peace, greater understanding and a love of learning. By creating meaningful interactions, programs and service, it provides a learning environment for youth to examine and learn about issues of justice, diversity and social responsibility through action.

Four females and nine males participated in the February 12 program. They were accompanied by facilitator Gail Wolkoff and welcomed by Messiah Pastor Berry.

Juan Martinez told the group how he decided to start a business to manufacture cargo-carrying battery-powered bikes. A young Columbian, he was raised in New Orleans. Coming to Detroit and working with Detroit Summer (the intergenerational, multicultural youth program to rebuild, redefine and respirit Detroit from the ground up), he became involved in grassroots community building activities in the city.

Bart Eddy talked about community and public service in his Brightmoor neighborhood. Rick Feldman from the Boggs Center and the UAW emphasized the importance of inclusion.

Kim Sherobbi shared the lessons she has learned from decades of teaching and working with many different types of people.

“My most challenging, yet satisfying work.” she said, “ is what I call self-work or inner work. My thoughts about work, people and myself will determine how I approach a situation and ultimately the outcome. My thoughts can create peace or tension.”

The young people in the group will soon go to New Orleans for their Alternative Spring Break. Sharing in the planning and programming of the trip, they decided that in New Orleans they will perform day-long projects for the community and learn about issues surrounding poverty.


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