From Growing Our Economy to Growing Our Souls
A Boggs Center Detroit Tour
What is the tour’s focus?
This is a tour of Detroit’s East Side, hosted by the James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership. The tour is rooted in the ideas and activism of James and Grace Lee Boggs, Detroit activists whose lineage and legacy the Boggs Center carries forward.
We host the tour for people who are eager to be introduced to, and begin to learn about and engage with, the story of Detroit as told from below. This is a story of and by people who are making a way out of no way, and who see opportunities amidst the crises of the present moment.
Why does the Boggs Center offer this tour?
We offer the tour as a way of speaking truth to power, shifting and shaping the narrative of Detroit. This is particularly important now, as the dominant narrative of Detroit’s “revitalization” (that is, displacement and gentrification) is extremely dangerous and filled with blatant lies.
We hope to nurture the development of ambassadors to our struggle who will go on to share the story of Detroit as told from below. By continuing to strengthen our global network of ambassadors, we are working towards winning an ongoing war of position.
If you have any questions, would like to book a tour, or are interested in participating in a more extended Learning Journey at the Boggs Center, please contact Rich Feldman
(248) 225-8037