Deeper Democracy
At a time when the mainstream media is trying to justify the destruction of democratic processes by ridiculing citizens, it is important for us to lift up the many ways people are advancing democratic dialogue. Such an opportunity happened Monday night as the Riverfront East Congregational Initiative (RECI) gathered to talk about land use and economic development. In spite of the cold and snow, more than 60 people met at the Sunday Dinner Company for a lively discussion about the future of our city. It is the kind of gathering that is carving out a new, vibrant democratic space in Detroit where citizens discuss ideas, values, and the possibilities to create new ways of living together.
At tables set for small group conversation, people talked about how the RECI values for development “affect how we talk with our fellow congregants and neighbors about recent issues in our community?”
The values included asking developers:
● How are they being held accountable to the community?
● Do they articulate intentions for community improvements?
● How do they maintain and/or improve quality of life for current residents?
● Are they using community benefit agreements?
● Do they provide opportunities for cooperative ownership to residents?
● Do they collaborate with existing organizations and institutions?