Speaking Truth

Detroit Works (DW) launched a new format for its public information campaign about its strategic framework for the redevelopment of Detroit. The most recent newsletter says, “We know that Detroit Future City is an extensive document, so we would like to highlight smaller sections of the framework to make it easier for you to become familiar with the different strategies.” They begin by highlighting neighborhoods, and invite people to a series of “Road Shows” that they will coordinate throughout the city.

This effort to get people to carefully read the document is welcome. To assist in the dialogue, we offer some things for you to consider as you read it or participate in meetings. By way of illustration, we will explore the section on City Systems.

As we have explained in earlier articles, one of the deficiencies of the Detroit Works Project was the inability to answer basic questions about in whose interests the city will be reshaped. The implication from the Detroit Works team is that we do not have to choose among competing values or mutually exclusive alternatives.

Just Because the Shoe Fits Doesn't Mean We Have to Put it On

By Frank Joyce

Are you in the precariat? Probably. Most of us are. Or will be.

What is the precariat? It is the condition of being in a precarious relationship to employment.

In other words, you have only a part time job. Or no job. Or three jobs. Or you have a job, but you are way overqualified. Why? Because you took out loans to get the degree you were told you needed, but your chosen field isn’t hiring. Or maybe your friend just got laid off and you didn’t. But you live in fear and dread because you know you could easily be next.

In his brilliant book The Precariat, British author Guy Standing connects the dots that show just how vulnerable workers have become in recent decades. This is a book that makes one light bulb after another go off in understanding why and how being in the precariat is the new normal all over the world.


Deeper Democracy


Asking Detroit Works